On August 28, 2006 I sent an email to my good friend Larry with an idea for a Snoloha t-shirt design — a snowman laying in a hammock between a couple palm trees. I decided to name him ‘SnoMon’. This is what that first simple design looked like:
It sold pretty well. People seemed to like ‘SnoMon’.
As Snoloha continued to grow and evolve (as did I), SnoMon made a couple appearances every now and then. SnoMon also began to grow an evolve, but it was mostly as a vision in my head and via conversations with Larry. And as I finally came to the realization that I just didn’t want to peddle t-shirts any longer, it all started making more sense, and we turned SnoMon into this:
But…SnoMon is just way to cool for a simple 2D illustration…so we turned him into this:
That’s right…SnoMon is going 3D.
I’m not sure exactly where this will go yet, it’s another clear vision in my head but getting there is no easy feat…SnoMon & Friends.
Talk about a departure from t-shirts. This is an all out character development and story driven adventure that we are about to go on.
Check out the site and start getting to know the characters…and stand by for more misadventures from SnoMon & his Friends as they ‘Clumsily figure out life, one misstep at a time.’
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