Well, it’s that time of year.  Reflecting.  For me, reflecting helps clarify the vision.

2012 was another interesting trip around the sun for Snoloha and myself.  It marked Snoloha’s 5th year in business…which is the equivalent of at least 10 years in grey hair and stress that goes along with the roller-coaster ride of growing a brand.

It was a year full of learning new things about the brand.  Yes, after all this time I’m still learning.  And as a result of this learning, the brand and I are evolving.  And I’m excited.

So what’s on the horizon for 2013?

  • New products and new designs, of course.
  • A new Snoloha.com website, featuring a mobile friendly version and a new social media attitude (I’ve been working hard on this)
  • The introduction of Living on Snoloha Time.

But this is where it’s getting interesting and is evolving:

  • The Snoloha Radio Show will become a regular piece of the puzzle.
  • Snoloha Caribbean Yacht Charters
  • Snoloha Prints
  • Unsalted Sailing (the Snoloha & Bay Breeze collaboration) is growing.
  • You’ll see a much closer overall relationship developing with Bay Breeze Yacht Charters & Sailing School (more on this later).
  • Working with more Trop Rock based artists.
  • New retailer developments and relationships.
  • Continued pursuit of licensing opportunities.

There’s more.  But I’ll feel too overwhelmed if I continue on.

Most importantly, THANK YOU for the continued business and support.





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