Those of you who regularly stop by to read this blog know that I talk about the challenges of running a lifestyle business every now and then. It’s the constant juggling act of actually living and enjoying the lifestyle I’m promoting, along with the hard work that goes into actually growing the business.
So far this winter there have not been any pics and stories about escaping to the ski hill or getting lost in the woods. That’s because there hasn’t been much of it. In fact, I have yet to strap on the snowboard. However, I have managed to do a fair amount of snowshoeing and hiking with Bailey the Dog. So far this winter has been dedicated to behind-the-scenes work to grow Snoloha in 2010. The new retailer catalog is finally done, and I’m anxious to “re-introduce” the brand to stores with the new branding, quality and selection.
It has been stressful this winter due to the change in direction and all the work that accompanies any change. Launching and running a small business is no bed of roses. Some days you feel like you’re on top of the world, while others you wonder what you’ve got yourself into. Hopefully, there are more highs than lows, of course.
The ironic thing is…during those times of stress due to all the work associated with small business is exactly the time when the Snoloha lifestyle that I promote (and am working so hard on) needs to be exercised. So escaping on water, the snow, the woods, the beach…wherever, helps relieve the stress and allows me to refocus.
One of the other escapes, for me, is reading. I just finished reading Jon Huntsman’s “Winners Never Cheat”. It was a pretty good read. One of my favorite parts was a quote from J. Kenfield Morley:
“I believe the recipe for happiness it to have just enough money to pay the monthly bills you acquire, a little surplus to give you confidence, a little too much work each day, enthusiasm for your work, a substantial share of good health, a couple of real friends and a wife and children to share life’s beauty with you.”
That’s powerful stuff…worth printing and posting on a wall or in a frame.
This week begins the hunt for new retailers now that the catalog is done….which brings back up the issue of accountability. Yikes.
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