You might call it evolution – growing up – learning – pivoting – developing – tacking – zigging – zagging – you get the idea. But whatever you call it, one thing is certain, it involves ‘change’. Major change, actually.
2014 is the year that Snoloha makes a dramatic change in it’s day-to-day existence and strategy moving forward.
This is something that I’ve been working on for a while now and it’s starting to make more sense. The end result is crystal clear, and that vision hasn’t changed much from what it’s always been. But ‘getting there’ is where the major change will occur.
SnoMon takes up the majority of room and time in my head right now. You’ve met his buddy, Paxton, and you’ll soon meet more interesting characters that he surrounds himself with.
I’ll unveil more of what this change is all about…with time.
But for now, you too can have SnoMon on the noggin’ — check out all the SnoMon gear.
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