One of the most frustrating things for me is getting ideas out of my head and accurately sharing them with the world.  And yes, there’s a lot of other stuff going on in my head…which is probably best left in there anyway!

One of the original ideas behind Snoloha was the introduction of SnoMon, as seen here.


It was a pretty simple idea…a snowman chillin’ in a hammock, between a couple of palm trees.  It made sense for the Snoloha concept.

Folks loved the idea of SnoMon.  He had a bit of a re-design last year (available for only $10.00), but I never developed him like I wanted to.  I never accurately portrayed what was going on in my head.

Until now…

I’ve decided to re-visit SnoMon, my head (scary, I know), and I enlisted the talents of the original Snoloha designer (responsible for the Snoloha font, the Snoloha Island design, the original SnoMon, Trop Rock, BoardShop and a number of other Snoloha designs) to help with the development of the new and improved SnoMon.

But here’s the catch…we’re not talking about just another t-shirt design.  Nope.  We’re talking full on character development here.  I can’t really disclose all the plans yet. Partly because I don’t know exactly what they are and partly because some of it it highly confidential and top secret still…or something like that.

I can tell you this though…SnoMon is monopolizing most of my thoughts these days.  Which is kinda cool…he makes smile.  And that’s what it’s all about.

“Open up my head and let me out”

-Dave Matthews

This is what late night character development looks like for me right now – a screen, a pen, a pad of paper, some tunes, a conch shell (it has a story)…and sometimes a nice cold one.

SnoMon Character Development




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