Today’s one of those days when I’m having a hard time ‘blogging’…so I decided to look back at ‘this date in Snoloha history‘ and see what I was talking about back in 2007, Snoloha’s first year in bidness. While doing this, I was reminded of an idea that I’ve been thinking about trying out…so I thought why not try it out on Rob.

As I was looking at blog posts from this same week in 2007, I stumbled across a post about my good buddy and loyal Snoloha customer…Rob, and the Snoloha Ski Bar he built. Normally I like to give customers nicknames of some sort, but Rob is kinda like Madonna, Bono or Britney…he only needs one name.

What I’ve been wanting to do for some time now is to start highlighting Snoloha customers, and since I know Rob (probably too) well, I knew I could post this and he wouldn’t mind. I’ve got some other photos from a ski trip that I would love to post…but they might be a bit embarassing…then again this is Rob, so they probably wouldn’t be.

Rob and I have been close friends for a long time now, after our paths crossed while working at a ski shop in Flint, Michigan. Since then, well the stories could fill a book and it would not be fitting for the family-friendly vibe of Snoloha.

Rob lives in metro Detroit with his lovely wife Michelle (also a Snoloha customer) and his two kids, Katie the cutie, and Ethan, aka E-Diddy. Rob can usually be found spouting off with a PBR about skiing, Michigan football, the Detroit Tigers and whatever (and I mean whatever) else is on his mind.

Thanks for the continued support, Rob.

Wanna be a featured Snoloha customer? Know of someone who should be a featured Snoloha customer? Lemme know.




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