You know the answer I give when people ask about starting and growing this brand…“It’s a roller-coaster ride.” That is still the best way I can describe it. You really do have to experience the process of starting a brand from scratch to completely understand and appreciate it.

Over the course of these past few years there are two kinds of emails I receive on a fairly regular basis…the “I want to start my own brand, you’re my inspiration, how do you do it?” kind and the “this is what Snoloha means to me, thank you for what you are doing” kind.

Both are great, and I truly enjoy getting them.

The first…I try my best to answer honestly, but there really is no silver bullet (this would require a much longer, detailed post).

The second…they make my day every single time. They never get old. They are an important motivator for me as I work toward growing Snoloha.

I received this just the other day from a new fan in Idaho:

I came across your website and blog quite by accident. My wife is still wondering if this was a good thing or not. Over the last several days I have went back to the first blog posting and skimmed over your business for the last 3 years. I have to say I am impressed.

You had me hooked almost immediately when I read the word Jeep for the first time (I am on my 3rd wrangler) and shortly after the quote from “Office Space” sealed the deal.

You are somewhat doing what I have been going over in my head for years now. The name is different, but the spirit is the same. The Lifestyle is what I am rambling about. There is no love lost on me and the ocean, but I totally get the spirit of your brand. I don’t care if I am out boarding with my buddies, taking a slow meandering Jeep ride with my 4 year old, jogging down a mountain trail, or having a lazy Sunday poolside during the summer letting my belly get warm. Its the spirit of adventure and living your life. I am paraphrasing Peter Gibbens here, but people really were not meant to be behind a computer screen all day listening to 8 different boss’s complain about missions statements.

I wanted you to know there is a 32 old guy in Idaho that gets what you are doing and is envious of what you have here. The website is very well done, I like the logo’s and I totally get what you are trying to do. So I hope this finds you well and on a day that you feel good about what you are doing, because I hope you press on with this business. It won’t be long before it will be bigger than you.

“It won’t be long before it will be bigger than you.”

I never imagined Snoloha would resonate and connect like it has and continues to. It’s an enormously humbling and fulfilling feeling.

Thank you, for the continued support and for spreading the Snoloha Love.

Now, I just need to get more inventory on this damn site for you all to purchase!



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