My good buddy JimmyPirate from TropiCast Radio was kind enough to include me in his 50th episode. So if you’d like to listen to an interview with yours truly, here’s the link. And if you really could care less about what I have to say, the Trop Rock music is worth the listen.

The coolest part of the interview…I got to make a request, “Hollow Man” by The Boat Drunks.

The inaccurate part…for some reason I said that Oliver (my European Licensee) was from Germany and living in Italy. He’s from Germany and living in Spain, duh!

“I wanna take your boat as far as it goes, feel Jamaican sand between my toes
I wanna ride on the wind just as far as I can
I won’t be any trouble to haul- I can sleep anywhere at all
And I don’t eat very much for a hollow man”



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