Wow! September is right around the corner. What happened to summer? Luckily, September is one of the best months here in northern Michigan. The beaches are not as busy, the water is warm and there should be plenty of good sailing days!

It’s also getting to be that time that I put my “retail hat” back on. I started 2009 off by deciding to put more emphasis on growing the brand online and evolving the product line. Thanks to all your help, I’ve managed to gather valuable feedback on favorite designs and products. The brand has continued to slowly grow and connect with folks all over the world. I’m happy with this type of “organic” growth. I sound like a broken record, but it’s that connection that people have with Snoloha that will allow it to continue growing and to become a long term, sustainable brand.

Looking out on the horizon is Surf Expo in January. This is where manufacturers and retailers in the surf, skate, water sports, swim and resort industries from across the U.S., Caribbean, Central and South America and around the world converge on Orlando for three days in the middle of winter.

This will be Snoloha’s first major tradeshow. Nervous? Yes. Excited? You bet.

Over the next couple of months I’ll be designing the tradeshow booth, catalogs, lining up appointments and looking to grow the brand with a bigger retail emphasis.

Orlando in January will be a nice break from a northern Michigan winter. We’ll be bringing a little “Sno” to the “loha” setting of Surf Expo.

I’ll keep you posted as the booth, catalog and other various plans come together.

And remember, if you’re a Facebook user, check out the Snoloha Fan page. And for all of you Twitter peeps…here you go.



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