This was a good story that I’ve enjoyed re-telling.
My new friend in Spain, the gentlemen that I’m working with to introduce the brand along the coast of the Mediterranean and throughout Spain, shared it with me. He was having a conversation with a business colleague and friend. This gentlemen happens to be German, so they were having the conversation in German. He does not speak English. Well, they were discussing Snoloha. His friend said to him, in German, that he likes Snoloha because “it has something to say”!
How great is that?
I guess that’s proof of the global appeal and connection of the Snoloha brand. It goes back to the simple fact that this is so much more than a “t-shirt company”. And it feels good to know that people are identifying with it. They understand it…regardless of the language they speak. This lifestyle in not restricted to a certain language or a certain geographical area. This lifestyle is shared by people around the world.
Yes, right now the product is limited to simple clothing. But there are plans on product development beyond clothing. All in due time.
Here’s another shot of Spain. I’ll post a “Snoloha Spain” update soon.
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